Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Peter DeCaprio: What are some ways businesses can keep busy despite a recession or depression?Peter DeCaprio: What are some ways businesses can keep busy despite a recession or depression?

Here are some ways businesses can keep busy despite a recession or depression:

  • One way to stay afloat in a bad economy is to offer promotional products as incentives or as a means of advertisement. Promotional Products help keep the company’s name out there and over time will hopefully lead to more sales. Furthermore, promotional products can also be used as giveaways for customers who make purchases, similar to a customer loyalty program type set up. This method helps draw new customers into a business while encouraging existing ones, which can help increase profits during a down-turning economy.
  • Another way businesses stay afloat is by offering services that are not necessarily needed but desired by customers. For example, it has been said that during the great depression people were so poor they couldn’t afford shoes so they started going barefoot. In order for businesses to survive in a down economy not only do sales need to stay afloat, but companies also have to make money off of the services they provide says Peter DeCaprio.
  • Although many businesses are struggling with financial issues, there are still ways for them to improve their bottom line. Not all businesses are failing during this recession and by implementing one or more practices above some may be able to keep afloat despite the condition of the economy.
  • Promotional products are business tools that can have an impact on advertising or company branding. Promotional products offer numerous advantages in an economic downturn due to being cost effective, increasing brand awareness and providing incentives for customers. They come in various forms including pens, mugs, calendars, flash drives and much more so having a wide variety ensures that there will be something available to everyone.
  • Promotional products such as these do not need to be extravagant to make a difference. Even small items like pens with your company name and logo on them leave an impression on the customer because they’re constantly exposed to it. As time goes on it begins looking more familiar and eventually may lead to purchase.
  • One of the most important factors in business promotions is affordability, so much so that businesses rely heavily on it when choosing promotional tools. With the price of gas and other necessities increasing due to inflation, many people are having a tough time financially which leads them looking for ways save money wherever possible. 
  • What better way than buying from a company whose brand or logo is advertised frequently? 
  • Hundreds if not thousands of dollars are being saved by this simple tactic.
  • Promotional products are one of the best ways to reach new customers, especially with the popularity of social media increasing each day which allows businesses to build brand awareness rapidly. Facebook is just one example of a site that can spread information about your company around quickly and efficiently if properly utilized. Information on promotional products is also readily available online for companies that have not yet taken advantage of social networking sites like these.
  • Even existing customers will benefit from promotional tools because it gives them an incentive to return or purchase more often than they might otherwise. A great way to encourage repeat business is by giving away items such as calendars, key chains, t-shirts and coffee mugs all containing your logo/branding information on them. This will get your business name out there through word of mouth or social media sites, perhaps even both!
  • Regardless of whether you are new to the world of business or have been around for years, promotional products are a great way to improve your company’s standing in the market while also saving some money at the same time. If more businesses take advantage of this during these tough economic times then they might be able to stay afloat while some others fail.


Promotional products provide companies with a way to improve their bottom line while also advertising and branding the company. They come in various forms such as pens, mugs, flash drives and more which makes them available to everyone. As per Peter DeCaprio promotional items such as these help companies save money while attracting new customers through social media sites like Facebook.

Promotional products are business tools that can have an impact on advertising or company branding. There are various forms of promotional products such as pens, mugs, calendars, flash drives and much more. Promotional products offer numerous advantages in an economic downturn due to being cost effective, increasing brand awareness and providing incentives for customers.

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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