Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

For contractors to work efficiently, they must have a complete set of tools for every job. And, concreting tools are among the most important as concrete is arguably the most-used construction material in the industry.

Pouring concrete may sound simple, but it is actually a complex process. It involves several stages, and each one requires the correct method and the right tools.

Below are some of the tools that every contractor should have.


Rakes are used to spread the concrete evenly right after it is poured on the foundation. This step helps create an even mixture, but it has to be done quickly before the concrete sets. In many cases, pole extenders are also used so the user can easily reach far corners without stepping on and disrupting the mixture.


Concrete creeds are long, straight boards or tubes used to roughly level newly poured concrete. They come in a wide range of sizes, depending on the project they are used on. Generally, the screed must be longer than the concrete form to make sure that it will ride the top edges while the concrete is being flattened.

Most concrete screeds are made from aluminium and come in lengths of 6 ft., 8 ft., 10 ft., and so on. With some brands, levelling vials are installed to help level the concrete slabs during screeding.


Floating is the process of tooling the surface of wet concrete right after it is screeded. It is done to raise liquid cement slightly and create a smooth surface. This stage of concrete work is done with a variety of smooth metal, or wooden surfaces called floats.

A bull float is a large float that typically comes attached to a long pole. This allows the user to reach across the form. In order to fill small voids or smoothen the edges, smaller floats are used. There are other types of floats, all of which are essential concreting tools that every contractor must invest in.

4.Groovers and Edgers

Groovers or groove cutters create the control joints on walkways, sidewalks, driveways, and residential slabs. They often come with horizontal plates used to shape the groove edges. They are the common alternative in situations where a concrete saw cannot be used.

Edgers are similar to groovers, and they have one rounded edge to mould the edge along the sides of a sidewalk or concrete slab.


A contractor’s set of concreting tools is not complete without trowels. Trowels are used to smoothen the concrete surface before it is left to dry and harden. For smaller slabs, troweling is commonly done by hand. Power trowels are more commonly used for larger slabs. There are many types of trowel for different types of concrete work.

6.Plate Compactor

Plate compactors are motorised tools used to compact granular concrete surfaces like gravel. This process helps create a strong foundation on which a concrete slab can be laid. Plate compactors are commonly used in places where the ground is either unstable or uneven.


Vibrators are used to shake freshly poured concrete and eliminate air pockets in it. This process helps create a more solid foundation or slab. There are four types of vibrators, each with a specific purpose.

Internal vibrators are immersed in wet concrete, form vibrators are attached to the outside of the concrete form, surface vibrators are attached to screeds, and table vibrators vibrate concrete inside moulds.

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