Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Comparing Depression in Teens vs AdultsComparing Depression in Teens vs Adults

Depression in teenagers can look distinct from that in adults. Here are some symptoms that are more common in depressed teenagers than in adults with the same disorder.

An angry or irritable mood.

In adults, depression can show itself as sadness. The case is different for teenagers, as they mostly get angry, hostile, grumpy, easily frustrated, and tend to have angry outbursts.

Strange aches and pains.

A depressed teenager is more likely to complain about unexplained aches and pains. These physical ailments may include stomachaches or headaches. If a thorough medical exam is done and no medical explanation is found, depression is most likely the issue.

Getting extremely sensitive to criticism.

Depressed teenagers often have to deal with feelings of low self-worth. They react negatively to rejection, criticism, and failure. It is especially the case if the teenager is an ‘overachiever’.

Withdrawing from certain people.

Depressed adults often keep to themselves, but teenagers tend to maintain some friendships. Depressed teens may socialize less or change their close friends. They may also pull away from their parents and any people in a guardian role. Dealing with this as a parent can be difficult. Get in touch with the Clarity Clinic in Chicago.

So how do you tell if your teenager is depressed or just experiencing ‘growing pains?

If you suspect that your teenager is depressed but are unsure, you can check how long the above symptoms have been happening and their severity. If your teen is acting completely different from themselves, then you should observe keenly to see if you will spot any of the above symptoms. A teenager going through hormonal changes and stress may have some bouts of teenage stress, but if they have continuous and unrelenting irritability or unhappiness, they are most likely depressed.

Warning signs of suicide in depressed teenagers

Teenagers that are seriously depressed, especially those that abuse alcohol and drugs have signs that they may have suicidal behavior. They may speak about it or think about it. At times, there may be attempts to end their life. Do not ignore any of these signs as they are a cry for help from your teenager.

Signs to watch out for include;

-Joking or talking about ending their life.

-Saying things like they wish they were dead or that they could disappear forever. They may also seem to feel hopeless and feel that there is no way out.

-Romanticizing death

-Writing literature about death or suicide

-Seeking out ways to kill themselves such as weapons or pills

-Saying goodbye to friends and selling prized possessions

-Engaging in harmful reckless behavior.

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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