Fri. Feb 14th, 2025
4 Things to Know About Sleeping Position4 Things to Know About Sleeping Position

Oh, sleep—while we can’t live without it, getting sufficient sleep can be hard to come by in our stressful world and environment. But, how you sleep can impact your health and sleep in more ways than one. If you’re looking to get better sleep, here are a few things you should know about the position you sleep in: 

Sleeping on your side

If you have breathing issues or sleep apnea, you may want to sleep on your side. It can also be beneficial for you to sleep in this position with a support pillow if you tend to wake up with neck pain while sleeping in any of the other positions. 

However, if you regularly wake up asking yourself, “why did my arms fall asleep at night?”, or you suffer from regular heartburn and digestion problems, you may want to consider another position. If your heartburn is bad, but you tend to sleep better on your side, make sure it’s your left side. 

Sleeping on your back

There are some moments when sleeping on your back can be helpful. Sleeping on your back can help reduce lower back pain and is also beneficial for those who may want to avoid wrinkles or lines on their face after a long night of sleeping on their face. 

However, you may want to be careful if you have neck pain since this position can exacerbate it. Additionally, it is suggested you look for other positions if you have issues with apnea, snoring, or when dealing with a bad cough with COVID-19. 

Sleeping on your stomach

If you have a terrible cough, whether from the flu or because of COVID-19, it’s a good idea to sleep on your stomach. Sleeping on your stomach can also be helpful if you have snoring issues or sleep apnea. For the most part, it’s often suggested to avoid sleeping on your stomach since it can cause various problems with your neck and spine. 

If you’ve always slept on your stomach, consider replacing big, fluffy pillows with thin pillows, so you can avoid straining your neck or joints. Take a look at your bed as well to make sure you have the right level of comfort, from your bed sheets to your mattress. 

Sleeping in a fetal position

The fetal position is one that many people find to be highly comfortable and for a good reason. It’s especially comfortable for pregnant women who sleep this way with the support of body pillows. Additionally, it can decrease snoring, and if you often suffer from back pain, it can help provide relief. 

However, if you tend to sleep in a stiff fetal position, you could wake up with joint pain and other issues. If you’re having problems breathing, avoid this type of position since it can make it harder for you to breathe. 

If you’re a pregnant woman, you may find that a support pillow paired with the fetal position can allow you to achieve a comfortable sleeping position. 

Final Notes

The way you sleep can affect your sleep and energy. However, many of us adopt sleeping positions early on, and changing the way we sleep can take some effort. If you find that your sleep position is affecting your health or you have an injury or illness that requires a change of position, consider the information above to help you choose a better way to sleep. 

You may need to invest in some products for added support for your sleep style. Don’t forget that better sleep equals a better life because it can help you reach your fitness goals, have more mental clarity, and so much more.

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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