Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Most people nowadays crave to be outside of their homes. With the year 2020 being so strict about going outside, this year has been a refresher for most adventurers whose outdoor activity plans got postponed due to the global pandemic. 

However, if you are part of the people who are new to outdoor recreation, then becoming a mountaineer could be just right for you.

Mountaineering is the go-to activity whether you would want a breath of fresh air, a change of view, or if you are feeling all the adventure rush coming up from all over your veins that were suppressed for how many months.


In this article, we prepared a list that will be your guide in reaching your first-ever summit. Treat this as your mountaineering buddy and tick off one box at a time from your bucket list as you go through the steps listed.

No worries, we all have our own bucket list. You might as well try to make use of your time now that you’ll be spending it mostly at home.

Learn the Basics

What might seem an easy task like hiking on a trail still needs the basics in getting through to your mountaineering adventure. Just like any other sports or outdoor leisures, you always need to have the basics. 

In mountaineering, you need to be physically fit. Partner it with the right mentality of going for the challenge, then you are now already halfway ready in reaching the summit. Having a ready mind and body will help you reach your goals.

In order to prepare your body in the right condition, including physical activities like walking around your house, running around the neighborhood, or simple climbing on a flight of stairs in your daily routine helps a lot. Adding some weights can also strengthen your core and upper body. 

Aside from building body endurance, knowing the mountaineering basics is also a must. This includes using a harness, tying a rope, and belaying. Practice going up on a hill while carrying a heavy rucksack at your back. Adjust and adapt yourself to doing all of these things during cold weather because mountaineering means going up to a place of higher altitude making it so cold. 

Choose a Target


Maybe you have been eyeing to see and know how it feels to reach the peak of a mountain that you have always loved to explore or maybe you want to join the hype on a beautiful mountain with a beautiful view where most of your friends have been to and that you always see in your news feed.  Whatever the reason may be, there are still many things to consider in choosing the right terrain for you. 

Having a piece of knowledge of what type of mountain you want to take on can help you achieve your goal. You need to know whether the terrain will be a glaciated mountain or granite faces in order to prepare yourself for a walk-up, iced or mixed climbing. 

Also, one important thing is of course the route. 

Cover Route Course

If you think mountaineering is the way for outdoor activity for you then you must cover route courses. Well, nothing beats having friends to teach you the basics of mountaineering but taking on formal courses of the sport will be more rewarding for you. 

Route courses will cover planning, navigating, climbing, hiking, weather forecasting, techniques, and more. You will be guided by a professional where you get a real-life mountaineering experience and on-the-spot feedback. Having all these learned beforehand will definitely help with your mountaineering journey.

Master Your Way


Putting your direction senses into play will help you navigate your course better. Practice plotting course points and make sure to familiarize yourself with the ways around the map. You may use every tool possible to help you with navigation such as maps, compass, GPS, sightings, bearings, and more.

Planning ahead of time will be beneficial. This way you can be more at ease and confident with your way through the course. And if ever you get lost in the way, going back is always an open option for you to take.

Prepare Your Gear


Just like how it is in most outdoor sports or recreational activities, gear and equipment are very much important to pay attention to. With the right gear and effective tools, you will be able to prevent yourself from any harm.

It is important to layer your clothes. You may choose to have a lightweight base layer then another layer, and topped off with a warm jacket, the more layers, the better. Make sure to carry some windproof goggles to protect your eyes from gusting wind.

Get yourself a rucksack backpack to fit all your basic gears like harness, helmet, rope, crampon, piolet ax, compass, lamp, tent, first aid kit, and so on.



These are just five steps to guide you in reaching your first-ever summit this year. From learning the basics to preparing your gear, you will be able to plan out your mountaineering escapade. However, do not rush things. 

Start with local or defined regions and gradually gain some experience. Remember that mountaineering is not easy. It needs precise planning and a great sense of direction to help you navigate your way to and from your chosen route.

Take your time to learn and gain some experience. Don’t be too proud and get your heart and mind ready when choosing to become a mountaineer. Do not go alone. With all that said, you are ready to take on the course! Great job on your mountaineering choice.

By Maria Fernsby

Maria Fernsby is a renowned She has made significant contributions to the fields of technology and innovation and writing . Born and raised in a small town, Maria developed a passion for problem-solving and creative thinking from an early age.

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