Thu. Feb 6th, 2025
Pin Worms: 5 Home Remedies for Quick TreatmentPin Worms: 5 Home Remedies for Quick Treatment

God forbid if you ever get infected by pinworms it is very difficult to get rid of them once they start growing in you.  These irritate your anus a lot and can cause internal damage if not treated timely. To treat these there are a number of over-the-counter medications available but these come with side effects. These worms although are easy to kill using home remedies as these occur usually in the intestinal lining. 

According to the best child specialist in Lahore, pinworms are extremely contagious in children and can even spread from one person to another quite easily. This happens when a person scratches their anus and doesn’t wash their hands later. The eggs get stuck in the nails and then these contaminate other surfaces and areas, even foods. 

It is quite possible that your child is suffering from pinworms as it never really comes with symptoms in everyone. So, the most important and essential thing is to find the best treatment. Instead of running after medicines and ointments try out these home remedies. 

  • Garlic

Garlic works great in treating all kinds of worms, be it roundworms, ringworms, or pinworms. This remedy can only be used by those children who can chew and digest raw garlic. It works because of its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. 

In order to use it, take raw cloves and chew them, the taste is terrible I know. Another way is to add it t your salads in raw form so that the taste is not that harsh to the tongue. If you want to apply it on the skin or on the anal area. You can chop it finely and then mix it with some vaseline or petroleum jelly. Apply it on the anus like you apply other ointments or creams. 

Before applying this, do look at your child’s anus to check if the skin is irritation-free and there’s no sign of hemorrhoids there.  

  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is said to work great for a number of issues in children and in adults.  It is said that the female that lays the eggs for pinworms hesitates to lay eggs wherever there is coconut oil. 

Now you have two options to use it. Either you apply it on your anus at night and let the worms die or you can also ingest a teaspoon full of oil in the breakfast. 

  • Red Carrots

One of the indirect methods to excrete out all the pinworms is by using a lot of fiber. Carrots do help a lot in keeping the digestive system on track. These are also very beneficial for adjusting your bowel movements. Carrots have nothing to do with killing pinworms, but they do help in pushing them out of the body through bowel movements. 

You can easily consume them in raw form. But don’t forget to wash them before using them with fresh water to eliminate all the parasites and bacterias. 

  • Wormwood

A herb known as wormwood is very beneficial in treating parasitic worms.  It can be used by making tea using it or adding it to a tincture. But it is recommended to use it with the permission of the doctor. It is not safe to use it for more than 4 weeks. 

Wormwood is also a major ingredient found in the veterinary medication used to treat worms in animals. It has been in use to treat all the parasites that attack the intestinal lining. 

  • Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are said to work great against the parasites that attack the human body. It works because of a compound that is found in it which is called cucurbitacin which is full of anti-parasitic properties. This compound freezes the parasite by paralyzing it and in this way it gets very easy to excrete it out of the intestines. 

You can consume pumpkin seeds by adding a teaspoon full into a cup of milk or water. It is more beneficial if you consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. 

Final Thoughts

Parasitic worms are very common to happen among children than in adults. It is important for you to take care of your child’s hygiene and cleanliness to stay away from these worms. Consult your doctor in case these remedies don’t work out for you well. 

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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