Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

For students preparing to go to college, it can be an exciting, yet overwhelming time. College life is a stark contrast from school life and it can be scary. But, students who’ve been to boarding schools find it easier to make the transition from school to college without any hassle. Why, you ask? Because they have already got a taste of what college life would be from their boarding school journey. According to India Today, boarding or residential schools are a stepping stone to college where students are offered a supervised and safe environment. An environment where they can be independent because while they’re supervised, they’re away from the over-protective gaze of their parents.

From a strong academic curriculum to a diverse social life, boarding schools in Siliguri and other parts of West Bengal offer so much to students that they can utilize during their college life and even beyond. These schools create a nurturing atmosphere where students are motivated to excel in academic, as well as, non-academic aspects of life.

Want to know how exactly a boarding school acts as a stepping stone to college? Here are a few reasons. 

  • Prepare students for dorm life so that they can easily adjust to any type of living situation 

Typically, college or university life means living in dorms and sharing a room with other students. This can be quite difficult for fresh high school graduates who have never shared a room with strangers before. Obviously, when living at home, they’ve never had the chance to venture out of their comfort zones. Except for the occasional slumber parties, students who attend day schools have never had the chance to experience what it’s like to stay with 2 or 3 people in a single room.

boarding school in West Bengal prepares students for dorm life by making students stay with their peers in one room. So, students have to learn to adapt and adjust to people from various cultures and backgrounds. They also have to learn to adapt to different ways of thinking.

But, these experiences come in handy when these students enter college.

  • Boarding school students are encouraged to be independent since they cannot rely on their parents to help with the day-to-day activities 

Boarding schools do have an army of staff including matrons, mentors, and other members of the staff. They’re all there to look after the boarders, but they are not there to pick up after each student like how a parent would. For instance, boarders have to wash their clothes and iron them for classes. They also have to wash their utensils, make their bed, and take care of their belongings. They are expected to keep their dorms clean. Engaging in these daily chores makes boarding school students independent and they learn to take care of themselves. They don’t need people to help them with their daily tasks. This helps them to make the transition to college life faster as they’ve already gotten the taste of what independence feels like.

  • Time management skills are taught to students 

To succeed in college and professional life, one needs to balance their time perfectly. Many college students are attending classes, taking extra courses, working part-time, or doing internships and also balancing their social life. Boarding school students are already taught how to manage their time as they have to complete their daily chores, attend classes, finish their homework, and take part in extra-curricular activities. Therefore, they are capable of wisely using their time when they enter college.

  • Boarding school students appreciate diversity because they reside with people coming from varied backgrounds

As already mentioned, boarding students are much more open to diversity than those attending day schools. This is because they live, eat and sleep with their peers who might not be from the same community or share similar ideas and opinions. Spending so many hours with students coming from all over the country allows boarders to truly appreciate the difference. They can form their way of thinking and are encouraged to branch out. All of these traits come in handy when they enter college and meet students coming from across the globe. Also, boarding school students adjust better if they plan to study abroad.

  • Students take part in varied extra-curricular activities that help to hone their skills 

CBSE schools in Siliguri with boarding facilities cater toward the holistic growth and development of the students. These schools not only prepare the students academically, but also physically, emotionally, and mentally. Students are encouraged and motivated to take part in various extra-curricular activities, such as sports, drama, music, singing, theater, and more. They get to join clubs like nature club or debate club. Also, boarding schools arrange weekly or monthly excursions and tours where students get to learn so much more than just their books. They are provided with practical knowledge so that the theory becomes easy. All of this helps students to find their passion, hone their skills, and sharpen their talent. So, when these students prepare to go to college, they are already all-rounders who are capable of handling anything.

So, are you a parent and confused about whether you should send your child to a boarding school? The short answer would be yes. A boarding school education will make your child strong, independent and even help him/her develop an analytical bent of mind. Your child will not just be someone who walks with the crowd, but he/she will carve out their own path and achieve success. They will be challenged at every step of the way so that they become excellent problem-solvers and don’t give up easily. Research has shown that boarding schools inculcate values in students that help with achieving huge success in the classroom and beyond.

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