Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

When designing a website, it’s important to keep Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in mind from the very start. SEO is not only about content and keywords. It also includes a well-designed website that helps users easily navigate it. Having a poorly designed website is a huge turnoff for people visiting your site. People will often only spend seconds (if that!) on your site before making a decision about whether or not they’ll stay or leave.

Before you design your website, the first thing to do is to work out what you want your website to achieve.

  • Are you looking to generate leads?
  • Increase revenue?
  • Increase awareness of your brand?

The answers will determine the type of website and the content you need to put on it.

Now, let’s get to the real reason why we’re here. SEO. Getting to the first page of Google is a goal most, if not, all, business owners would like to achieve. In order to do that, you need to have a well-designed and well-optimised website. If your website is poorly designed, even if it’s well-optimised, it won’t go anywhere.

In order to achieve both, it’s critical to design it based on the needs of your customers. You need to make it easy for your customers to find what they’re looking for on your website.

Below are some SEO tips for a website design from Rockstar Marketing that can help you to improve your website’s visibility:

  • Use headings and subheadings to break up your content
  • Use keywords in your page titles and H1 headings
  • Use keywords in the URL of your page
  • Use keywords in your website’s description tag
  • Use keywords in your website’s title tag
  • Make sure your page is mobile-friendly
  • Content is king so make sure you have plenty of it
  • Make sure your content is full of relevant keywords
  • Advertise your content and your website on social media
  • Include your target keyword in your domain name
  • Use your target keyword 2-3 times in the meta description of the content
  • Use your target keyword at least 3 times in the body of the content
  • Make sure your website loads fast (less than 2 seconds is ideal)
  • Add internal links to your content
  • Add external links to your content
  • Pursue backlinks
  • Write your content for humans

The description and title tags are what will show up when you do a Google search or when someone visits your blog from a search engine. You have a little over 160 characters for the description and title tags combined, so it’s important to make them count.

When you’re writing meta descriptions and titles for your blog posts, it’s important to keep your titles as clear, concise and useful as possible. Start with your blog post’s main takeaway.


Website design is an important task and should not be taken lightly. A well-designed and well-optimised website can help you to create a good first impression for your potential customers. It can also help you get more sales

And remember, this isn’t only for new websites. If you already have a website, you can always audit the site and optimise it to provide a better user experience and improve accessibility.

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