Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

It is entirely understandable to be confused about the current state of the world due to the ongoing pandemic. On the one hand, people are slowly but surely getting used to the idea of staying indoors more often, ensuring that they stave off the infection with best-practice methods. On the other hand, the business sector was turned topsy turvy by the move, as now many companies are scrambling to shift toward an online focus for products and services. After all, physical establishments are having a challenging time keeping customers.

The same thing can be said about home service companies that just want to do the best possible job that they can. During the first few months of the pandemic, so many businesses closed down or went on hiatus that it can be hard to figure out where the company stands. In the new year, as things finally start going back to normal (despite the pandemic still ongoing), home service companies are finding their stride with search engine optimization. Here are seven SEO tips to help businesses make good use of home services SEO companies to rise in the Google search engine results page (SERP).

  1. Consider the mobile market when it comes to web optimization

One of the things that most companies have to consider in the new year is the fact that most online users are happy to use only their mobile phones and nothing else when searching for the home services they need. If the home service company does not have a superior mobile platform, most people are likely to leave the site and search for another, even if the company could have provided a better and more convenient service.

The mobile market is vast, and it will only grow even larger as time goes by. If the company does not yet have a superior mobile version of the primary website, it would be a good idea to get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

  1. Make use of local SEO

Home services involve sending professionals over to address various concerns at the house. Whether it has to do with repairing roofs or garage doors, landscaping or appliance repair, everything falls into the umbrella term of home services. In the case of online products and services, it means that the company depends on local users for their success.

While traditional SEO methods are sure to help, there are few things that can help home services more than geo-targeting through local SEO. After all, local SEO is all about reaching out to a local target audience — something that will always help home services companies in the long run.

  1. Build rapport with content marketing

As stated above, geo-targeting is one of the best ways for a company to become better known in a town or a city. However, it can be challenging for a company to get the job done without the help of home services SEO companies. To help company owners make a difference outside of professional services, it would be a good idea to write articles or blogs relevant not just to the services rendered, but to the town or city in question. Having it relate to local events is a decent local SEO method that is easily accomplished even without professional help.

After all, there are few things more encouraging to the target audience than an informative and relevant article that also serves to familiarize them with the company due to its connection to their hometown.

  1. Make use of the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising method

The use of SEO services often includes slowly but surely gaining influence and clout through the organic search rankings. There is a much quicker way to get the job done, though it does have a financial barrier of entry. What the company gets in return for initial capital would be a PPC strategy that not only puts the company on the paid search results but also provides enough data to help with a non-PPC digital marketing strategy afterward. It is extremely helpful for startups that want to get the best possible start.

  1. Get straight to the point

While the PPC method attracts a variety of online users to the primary website, what about trying to convert potential customers into paying clients? It often involves a digital marketing strategy where the website is optimized to get to the point as much as possible. Online users often only give a website ten or so seconds to catch their attention. A succinct header that gets to the point tells users that the company respects their time.

  1. Try out YouTube!

While there are undoubtedly plenty of social media channels that home service companies can try, YouTube is quite special as it can help provide a foundation for video marketing. The company can post informative videos about DIY projects, and provide a call-to-action at the end. The company can even rely on other content creators to advertise their services if they are not interested in developing video content. The best part is that the keywords in the search bar are 100% useful for the business, and could potentially help with the Google algorithm.

  1. Stay as active as possible on social media

When a company proves to their user base that they are reliable and sincere with their methods, it can be easy to foster loyalty to the company’s brand. It can be a big help for a company to be as active in their social media channel of choice. When a user posts negative feedback, it would also be a good idea to answer as soon as possible and see what can be done about turning things around. Sincerity can go a long way to increasing credibility online. So long as the business remains consistent with its efforts in the social media space, there will always be room for success down the line.

While there will always be a demand for home services, the overall saturation of the industry can make it challenging to stand out. Fortunately, the help of the best home services SEO companies and the best-practice methods above can help just about any company edge out the competition.

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