Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

As the date of the exam approaches, one is bound to feel anxious and nervous. The Clerk Exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking Selection and Personnel. It is a dream job for many who want to venture into the Banking Sector of one of the fastest-growing economies. As a developing economy, the banking services are reaching millions in the farthest corner of the country. The jobs in the banking sector provide immense opportunities to grow individually as well as take the nation to great heights. 

The exam for IBPS clerks is conducted in two phases. One has to prepare three areas for clearing the preliminary exam and four areas to make it through the mains exam.  But the best part is that three areas in the preliminary exam and the mains exam are overlapping. These three areas that one has to prepare for both pre and mains are Quantitative aptitude, Reasoning Skills, and English ability. An additional area that you have to prepare for the mains exam is the General Awareness section. Thus, it is best for a serious candidate to prepare for the preliminary and the mains exam simultaneously. While you are preparing for the preliminary exam, you will also complete almost 75% of the syllabus of the mains exam. For more details on the syllabus, visit Oliveboard. 

You will be asked questions from each section and you have to score above the cut-off mark to reach the mains stage. You can focus more on the areas that fall in your strong domain or area of interest. And you can gain a basic understanding of some of the concepts that are part of your weak domain. The only thing that matters is whether you have cleared the cut-off or not. So, refine and develop your skills. Even while you are preparing for the mains exam, do not focus much on areas that feel new to you. Your emphasis in the last few days should be on working on areas that you know you can fare well in. Do not doubt the strategy that you have followed for months. Stick to the same strategy and the same daily routine. Now would not be a good time to frame a new strategy. 

In the last 30 days what is most important is to stay positive and not lose hope. Some other tips that will help you in these last few days are given below.

1.Take Tests Frequently 

In the last few days, it would be advisable to practice as many mock tests as you can. Practising mock tests will also allow you to work and develop your time management skills. The tests will help you to analyze the areas that you have a strong grasp on and the areas that you can work on in these last few days. Focus on the areas that you need some extra attention and learn from your mistakes.

2.Take A Look At The Previous Years Question Paper 

Another crucial evaluating source could be the Past Years’ Question Papers. These papers will give you a feel of the actual exam. It will give you a feel of the final exam and you would be able to analyze how well you can tackle the questions or how well you can understand the language of the questions.

3.Read  Books, Education Magazines, and Newspapers

Reading the newspaper and current events books daily is a habit that will not only help you in the exam but will also make you an aware and responsible citizen. This habit will help you immensely in your English section in both preliminary and mains exams. You will also be able to answer the questions relating to synonyms or antonyms easily.

4.Be Physically Active 

Exercising daily will improve the supply of blood to your brain. It will develop your focus and comprehension skills. It will also help regulate your stress and anxiety. You do not necessarily have to join a gym. You can simply go for a 30-minute jog. 

5.Relax Your Mind 

Meditation is a skill and habit that will help you for years to come. Meditation will enable you to stay calm when others are experiencing stress in the exam. Spend at least 5 or 10 minutes daily for meditation.


The last thing that will help you productively and effectively tackle some of your exam stress is revision. Spare some time daily in your timetable for revising your current affairs magazine or the tricks and formulas. It will enable you to easily recall the information in the exam.

Also, try not to buy sources that the previous years’ toppers have recommended. Nothing good will come out of worrying over a book that you know you will not be able to complete in the limited days. It will only increase your fear making you feel not prepared just because you haven’t read that one particular book. Also, try to stay away from junk food and carbonated drinks. Try to eat healthy food. Do not sacrifice your sleep. You do not want to wake up on the day of the exam and feel sleepy all day. You might end up marking the wrong answer and in the process will lose marks. 

Lastly, do not think of giving up the attempt because you feel you are not prepared and will prepare for the next attempt. It is natural to feel unprepared and every topper has felt this. If they say they didn’t feel this, that’s most probably a lie. Everyone wants to be perfectly prepared for the exam and ace the exam. But there is neither a perfect strategy nor a perfect preparation. Fight this urge and be confident about your preparation. Go out and write the exam and do it well. Keeping your calm will help you even top the exam. Toppers are not individuals who prepare perfectly for each section. Toppers don’t even know for sure that they will be the ones making the headlines in the coming months. They are individuals who know that they have done everything they could do and believe in themselves. Not taking the exam is anyway failing the exam. 

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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