Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
9 Reasons Sutherland Shire Is an Awesome Place to Live9 Reasons Sutherland Shire Is an Awesome Place to Live

Beaches, sunshine, and lots of fun. These are what we usually associate with Sutherland Shire. However, this southern suburb is not only defined by its beaches; there’s a lot more than the Shire can offer. So, we listed nine reasons why Sutherland Shire is an awesome place to live.

You’ll find commuting easy

Not all of us have cars, so public transport is always a huge factor in determining a new place to live. If catching the train or the bus stresses you, you won’t enjoy your work or student life. Well, in Sutherland Shire, commuting is not a worry. Classes or work finished late? No worries! You can still catch a train ride home.

You’ll enjoy the green space

Having to take a look at your surroundings will keep you relaxed. Most of the time, we want to see green spaces where we can take our minds off stressful thoughts. A good thing to know is that Sutherland Shire has plenty of green places you can go to, such as the Royal National Park and the Heathcote National Park. Take a seat, relax, and inhale the fresh air in Sutherland Shire.  Better yet, pack a picnic, the kids, and the family dog and enjoy a day in the park.

Rent and housing prices are affordable

It feels great when you live in your dream home. However, it feels a lot better when you get your dream home at an affordable price. In Sutherland Shire, housing and rent prices fit everyone’s budget, no matter how big or small it is. If you’re a family of four, chances are you can get a home that costs cheaper than that in Sydney. It’s a real bang for your buck!

It’s filled with history and heritage

We’ve all been part of a place’s history. However, it is thought to have started in one place in Australia — Sutherland Shire. This suburb is where Captain James Cook discovered the Land Down Under. So, if you want to relive Australia’s history, living in Sutherland Shire would be an excellent idea.

You’ll enjoy the peace and quiet

Aside from the petty crimes here and there, Sutherland Shire is overall a safe place to live. Authorities are responsive and prioritise your safety. What’s more, your neighbours also will help you when you’re in a pinch. These can make you feel secure enough to not be worried when you’re alone even at night.

Your needs are within your reach

Let’s face it; it’s inconvenient when you have to travel for quite some time just to get your basic needs met, especially during times of emergency. It’s a good thing that in Sutherland Shire, essential shops such as supermarkets and healthcare service providers are within easy reach. You don’t need to drive or travel for thirty minutes just to get some groceries. Your needs and wants are within your reach in the Shire, which makes living easy.

There’s a strong sense of community

Neighbours are the first people you’d turn to when you need help. This is why creating friendly relationships with your neighbours is advisable. Sutherland Shire gives you plenty of opportunities to connect with your neighbours. The suburb has activities and programmes all year round so you won’t feel left out. Feel a strong sense of community in the Shire as if you’re just one big family.

You can still have an active lifestyle

Playing a sport is always fun, whether it’s cricket, swimming, or tennis. Staying active is also beneficial for your health. Sutherland Shire has sports centres you can go to whenever you need your sports fix. Enjoy playing with your peers, even for a friendly match or competition.

Art for your artsy heart’s content

For people who love art, finding a place accessible to art galleries and performing arts centres feels like heaven. They won’t need to travel far to appreciate the arts. You can also do the same in Sutherland Shire with its many galleries and performing arts centres. Enjoy a day off immersing yourself with art and satisfy your artsy heart.

Welcome to Awesome Sutherland Shire

Cosy, peaceful, and fun. This is what Sutherland Shire is to its residents. You can be one of them and have a fresh start in this suburb. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and choose Sutherland Shire!

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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