Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

There are times that we feel stressed from work, home, and problems with our lives. That is why we need a space where we can find peace, calm our minds, and free ourselves from the outside. All of these are possible when you have your flower garden. Imagine you have a place to visit to release all stress by watching your flowers bloom and flourish and appreciate all of it around you. Isn’t it nice to have one of these?

First, you need to answer the question, what are the best flowers for starting your flower garden? Each flower has its characteristics in planting and management. Since your garden is still in its starting phase, growing lilies would be the best for you. Below are different types of lilies that you may consider getting for your flower garden.

Asiatic Lilies

To brighten up your garden, add some lilies to it, starting with Asiatic Lilies. This type of lilies is considered the most accessible type to grow and is known to be the most popular among other lilies. It also has a variety of colors that will surely bloom when shined upon the sun. The flower doesn’t emit any fragrance, and its flowers are smaller than the rest of the lilies.

Asiatic lilies are best to plant during fall and will have better results when planted on pots. It doesn’t need any specifications of its soil as long as it has good moisture to make sure it will grow successfully. Keep an eye out also to deers and rabbits as the flowers attract them; setting up fences will be great to prevent damages.

Trumpet Lilies

Trumpet lilies have many variants of color, and there are; orange, yellow, white, pink, and cream. They produce a sweet fragrance, and they form in a shallow bowl shape and can also be upward facing. Trumpet lilies are also known to bloom during mid-summer.

These types of lilies are easy to grow for your garden, especially when you are just starting to go into gardening, and they can produce 12-15 blooms per stalk. Having this in your garden will surely brighten up everything. Keep in mind that having this in your garden, you must make sure to keep it moist or watered every day to have amazing results.

Turk’s Cap Lilies

This flower’s name comes from the inverted orientation of its petals and sepals, which, when fully bloomed, almost touch the flower’s back, mimicking a traditional Turkish hat. These lilies are expected to be easy to manage. Some petals of Turk’s cap lilies sometimes have spots, and some don’t. This lily produces a variety of fragrances.

When the flower blooms, it attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators such as butterflies. Watch out for red lily beetles as they attack flowers and would damage them. Make sure to check the leaves regularly and add some pesticides for assurance. These lilies are often used for Asian cuisine as it has a starchy flavor like turnips. They are accompanied in dishes as an alternative for potatoes or act like cornstarch for soups.

Orienpet Lilies

Oriental lilies and trumpet lilies are two popular types, and Orienpet lilies have both characteristics. Their blooms have a shallow trumpet shape and come in different colors like; pink, yellow, orange, and white. Adding this to your garden will surely provide you a perfect contrasting color for your paradise.

The main problem for these lilies is deer and pests like voles. Deers are attracted to its fragrance and tend to eat it. For deers, a spray repellant may help to keep them away. Make sure to check them regularly to see if there are any problems. Once maintained, you can now be able to enjoy an elegant view of your landscape. Just relax and have your ideas flow normally and have fun building your garden.

Canada Lilies

Canada lily is a North American native lily. It has different colors like red, orange, and yellow with its recurved petals. They grow between 2 to 4 feet tall that can be considered a large size. These flowers bloom between June and July. The best example for Canada lilies is Canada Lily Wildflowers.

In order to have beautiful outputs when growing them, make sure your soil is moist and wet and best when the soil is organic. It was found out that a beetle was discovered named with lily beetles or “lilioceris lilii” feeding on Canada lilies. It is said that leaving these beetles will have a strong impact if not prevented.


There are still many kinds of lilies to discover; for starters, starting with these will help you get a feel for planting and taking care of lilies. Lilies are beautiful and pleasing to the eyes, and having them for your dream paradise will surely bring out the colors of your garden. Explore as much as you can. After all, it is your garden, go wild and bring out the creativity in you.

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