Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
Paul Haarman: 5 Ways You Can Start Your Own Marketing Company By 2022Paul Haarman: 5 Ways You Can Start Your Own Marketing Company By 2022

Marketing Company Most marketing companies offer a variety of services, including public relations, sales promotions and specialized marketing. So how much does marketing company cost? Marketing company prices vary depending on the business model and the type of services you need. If you’re looking to promote an event or product launch, PR is going to cost more than creating social media posts every week. In general, businesses should expect marketing agencies to charge anywhere from £20/$26-$264 per hour for smaller marketing jobs like running social media accounts and small-scale advertising campaigns. But this price will fall as your agency gains experience with your brand and begins to take on larger projects involving search engine optimization (SEO) or email marketing campaigns that require extra attention. 

I’ve been working with different businesses in the past few weeks, and I am starting to see a pattern emerging. Most of these companies are not struggling because they don’t have money. They actually do alright on that front, but what they really need is someone to keep them afloat amidst all the competition out there! Someone who can help them get through all the legal stuff so they can finally get their product or service out of the door! And this is exactly where I come in!  says Paul Haarman.

Let me walk you through 5 ways you can start your own marketing company by 2022 (if it isn’t too late already!)

1. Get Your Friends to Work for You

One name… Kevin Harrington. Go ahead Google him right now, he built the infomercial industry. That’s right; he started off by getting friends to work for him and eventually turned his company into a multi-billion dollar empire! If you need to know more about this guy, come back here after you’re done with Google.

Anyways I recommend you do the same thing if you want to start your own marketing company, if not anything else then at least out of college. Make sure that the people around you are aware of what their responsibilities are and who is in charge, that way they can’t complain much when things don’t go as planned (too bad though…).

2. Reach Out To Your Local Community

You may think these sounds like too broad an idea now but let me break it down for you! All you have to do is say a word or two about what it is that you want to accomplish and people will start reaching out. Not only that but they will also give you free advice without expecting anything in return! This gives us half the equation required for starting your own marketing company, now all we need are hardworking individuals who pay attention to detail.

3. Don’t Forget To Play Your Part

You can basically get any job done if you know how to work with the right people, the issue lies in finding them. No matter how skilled one might be, most of them tend to slack off a bit when they think no one is watching… which brings me back to my first point once again- Make sure everyone is aware of what their responsibilities are and who’s in charge!

4. Make the Right Investments

I know people think marketing companies take up too much money, but trust me when I say they definitely pay off in the long run! Besides that, there are plenty of other things you can invest your money into like blogs or affiliate programs (e-commerce). You may also want to look into crowdfunding platforms but I’ll talk about that next week. If you’re determined enough right now then go ahead and look for an offline company that will provide for your marketing needs (you should be able to get what you need for weigh less than $5k).

5. Detach Yourself from Your Business ASAP

One word… Shark Tank! If you haven’t seen this show yet (which is highly unlikely), go watch it right now and pay close attention to their make or break meetings with investors. You can basically learn everything about successful business practices from this one TV show! Apart from that, I also recommend that you contact as many business owners as possible via email and ask them what they think of crowdfunding as a marketing tool.

That’s all for today folks, I hope these tips will help you start your own marketing company very soon! 


The return on investment for marketing companies is just too high if you’re able to bring in the desired results, but that being said it is still important that you do your part. As per Paul Haarman make sure everyone involved knows their responsibilities and who’s in charge so you can avoid unnecessary conflicts down the road. It also helps if you look into other kinds of investments as well, because if things go south then you are definitely going to need them!

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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