Thu. Feb 6th, 2025
Ways of manufacturing phone caseWays of manufacturing phone case

Modern man has become the slave of smartphones. We have observed a steady rise in smartphone users in the previous decade, and it is still increasing with time. There have been so many groundbreaking advances in smartphones embracing innovation and creativity. Yet, With the added features, smartphones have become more delicate and fragile. Manufacturers may make you believe that smartphones are strong enough. But at the end of the day, nobody would like to take a chance with costly new phones.

That’s why the usage of phone accessories have also increased with the number of smartphone users. Phone cases have become one of the most widely used phone accessories. Studies show that more than 79% of smartphone owners use phone cases. 

Because of the massive market for the cases, phone case manufacturer started bringing variety in colour, design, durability, and style. Generalizing all these factors, we can classify the phone cases into five types.

Types of phone cases:

Metal cases:

A metal phone case of Titanium, Aluminium or even Brass is available. Metal cases protect the phone from scratches and falls and are better than regular covers, although they are heavy to hold.

Aluminium is preferred chiefly as it is comparatively on the lighter side when the weight is concerned. Along with that, Aluminum cases also ensure more durability. The only thing that is not advantageous about the metal cases is that they are costly.

Plastic cases:

If you randomly ask a shop owner to give you a phone case, it is most likely a plastic case. The overly omnipresent plastics are widely used in phone case production because of the benefits of transparency and durability.

There are hard, soft and hybrid plastic cases available in the market depending on the different materials used. 

 Wooden cases:

Wooden phone cases are the most remarkable thing out in the market. These wooden cases are primarily bamboo, elm, or teak made. Customized wooden cases are available too in the market to help you achieve your dream of green living.

Wooden cases provide easy grip and are more attractive. They outperform the plastic cases in the sustainability trial. They are most convenient except for the price, which can be high.

Silicone cases:

Silicone is a polymer of siloxane and is a widely used material for different purposes. The elasticity and the cushioning property of the material are why it is preferable in phone case manufacturing. This polymer can get moulded into various styles and shapes quickly, and yet they are inexpensive.

Leather cases:

Leather cases are the better option if you are looking for durability. The original leather cases will be complex and do not bend or break easily. You may find three types of leather aniline, semi-aniline, and pigmented leather. All of them are suitable materials for a phone case.

Manufacturing of Metal phone cases:

 With the help of a CNC machine, metal phone cases are manufactured. CNC machine or Computer numerical control machine works with the use of coded information. To elaborate, Using the coding program instructions, automation of the machining tools have been done. Hence they can work without a manual operator.

The instructions to manufacture a specific type of metal phone case are coded into the computer. The machine processes the instructions and automatically produces the case with absolute precision.

Manufacturing of Plastic cases:

The plastic injection moulding method is used to manufacture plastic phone cases. This process involves three steps.

Preparing a mould: The molten plastic material is injected into the mould with the help of a plunger. This molten plastic solidifies on cooling. 

Shaping: The mould is given a proper shape with the help of a CNC machine.

Polishing: After the mould is shaped into the required type and cooled, the case is removed from the mould. It is then smoothened by polishing and decorated by adding colours.

Manufacturing of wooden cases:

Like metal cases, wooden cases manufacturing also happens through CNC machines. The computer is programmed to carve the wood into a precise size and shape. This machine helps the manufacturers to mass-produce the cases.

There are some handcrafted wooden cases also available. But, handmade objects are even more expensive compared to machine-made ones. 

Manufacturing of Silicone cases:

The manufacturing of silicone phone cases is similar to that of plastic phone cases. But here, a different machine is used to produce. The machine is called a compression mould machine. 

During the process of manufacturing the silicone case, the mould is heated first. Then pre-heated silicone material is introduced into the mould. After that, pressure is applied to the mould by closing it, and the material gets the desired shape. Finally, after cooling, the case is removed from the mould to polish and paint the case.

Manufacturing of Leather case:

The leather cases are primarily manufactured in the leather industry only. The manufacturing process is similar to the production of leather clothes—the sewing of leather with strong threads with the help of machines.


Everybody is interested in buying attractive phone cases but least interested in knowing about its manufacturing process. It would be best to choose the better case for your phone by understanding how it is made. 

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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