Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
Understanding cycles of fashionUnderstanding cycles of fashion

Fashion is a staple in our daily lives. It has been embedded into society and its social norms for decades, if not centuries. Trends in fashion reoccur, or cycle, throughout time. The reason behind these cycles depends largely upon the current social climate. Here’s a closer look at how fashion trends work:

What are fashions?

Some people might think that clothes define fashion but that isn’t true. The concept of fashion goes far beyond clothing because art as real vlone hoodie, architecture and music all play a role in this cyclical system that we have created. Fashion can be described as a collection of various styles popular during a specific time period. It changes constantly to adapt to the ever-changing human around us.

What makes a fashion trend?

A mainstream idea is the main force behind a trend. If enough people begin to wear and purchase an item, it will be considered trendy. This product can then lead to many more new items that develop from said original item, as well as some derivatives of those new products. For example, leggings were first introduced into mainstream fashion in 1959 by Jax . Many different brands replicated this style and eventually you had companies like lemon producing high-quality active wear featuring leggings. The original Jax leggings retailed for $8 and now you can buy lemon’s version of them for $108.

The reproduction of popular styles leads to fads. A fad can be described as “a fashion fad is a practice which has achieved brief popularity, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories and cosmetics”. Fads come and go within a few months. Hipsters are one example of how quickly fads change. Hipsters tend to emulate styles from decades past but they always give them their own modern twist. One day you might see hipsters wearing high waited pants with suspenders attached, the next day you could see the same style but instead of suspenders, these hipsters have now cut off their shirts into crop tops. This is an example of how fast fads change.

How does fashion relate to culture?

Fashion plays a very crucial role in our society because it defines who we are. It reflects our cultural norms and it signals what stage we may be in within society (i.e.: childhood, adolescence, adulthood etc.). Clothing can also establish one’s career path because it displays their occupation. There are many factors that contribute to what kind of fashion we follow; we base these choices upon who we identify with and where we fall on the social ladder.

Fashion is not only a means by which we define ourselves but it also serves as an indicator for others to understand who they’re interacting with and how serious they should take that person. “The clothes you wear signal other people whether or not they should take you seriously”. For example, doctors have a much different dress code when compared to lawyers. This sort of dress code comes from an understanding of their occupation’s importance within society.

How do fashion changes occur?

Fashion change occurs in two ways: new technology and social context. Between these two factors, there are six possible explanations for how fashion changes can occur. Social identity theory explains that people associate themselves with certain groups based on different identities (gender, sexuality, race etc.). These people then wish to be like the members of said group which leads them to emulate the styles of those individuals they identify with. The purchase decision theory further explains this by saying that “people buy what other people buy”. People want to fit in so they’ll often purchase items because “it is more important to belong than it is to be correct”. If everyone is buying something, it may be in your best interest to purchase the item as well if you want them to take you seriously. The bandwagon effect is when people are more likely to do something when they see other people doing the same thing. People might purchase an item because they think others will buy said item too. Some purchases are made in order to gain attention from members of society who have power over one’s success in their career path. If someone has connections or can give another person a leg up, that person will try their hardest to look good for these individuals in an attempt to increase his/her chances of getting somewhere professionally. Finally, some fashion trends occur simply because “we are creatures of habit”. We like what know and therefore we’ll stick with what we know.

What is anti-fashion?

Anti-fashion can be defined as “a counterculture -based deliberate subversion of mainstream fashion”. Many people fight against anti-feminist standards that society has placed on women. These standards are often depicted through the desire for thinness and the equalization of women’s bodies. Anti-fashion allows women to reject these ideals by dressing in a way that implies they don’t care about how others perceive them. They’ll dress in loose clothing, purposefully not match their clothes, or even dress like men (pants). This signals to society that they’re not interested in meeting men’s’ expectations of beauty and femininity. Furthermore, this movement also fights against patriarchal societal structures because it fights against those who have power over women. This often takes the form of anti-fashion designers who refuse to use fashion as a way to objectify women’s bodies. In this way, these designers resist patriarchy and challenge how fashion is defined by those who seek to control women.

Anti-fashion can also be seen as a tool used by the working class for social resistance. They fight against bourgeoisie standards in an attempt to gain more equality within society. The specific clothing items that are worn signal what issues they’re fighting for (ie: labor rights). For example, one might wear a T-shirt with a union logo on it or safety pins attached all around their pants. It is very rare that someone who belongs to the higher classes will dress themselves in clothes that signal their resistance. This makes it easier for those who are un-aware of what is actually occurring to be able to comprehend what is happening.

What does anti-fashion say about the wearer?

Anti-fashion doesn’t quite fit into one specific description; instead, it can carry multiple meanings depending on who’s wearing it. For example, some people will dress in an extremely casual way (T-shirt and jeans) with dirty sneakers or even no shoes at all. On the other hand, others may wear loose clothing that looks like they’re either homeless or coming back from a day of manual labor. The most interesting thing about anti-fashion is how “it expresses differences in race, class, culture and gender”. People use clothing to show that they belong or don’t belong in society. Those who are part of the lower classes will purposely dress this way to signal that they’re poor and don’t have much money. This is especially true for recent refugees coming into Canada who may not be able to afford full anti social social club outfits. On the other hand, those from rich backgrounds usually wear very expensive clothing as a way to signal that they have a lot of money and power. In essence, anti-fashion is a way for people “to negatively define themselves” but also “positively position themselves within social relations”.

In your own words, what does anti-fashion say about its wearer?

Anti-fashion says a number of different things about the wearer depending on how it is worn. For example, a top-hat and monocle worn with a speedo on the beach may be understood as a joke or satire of fashion. In this case, the wearer is sending the message that he/she doesn’t take him/herself very seriously. On the other hand, wearing old ripped sweatpants to a formal event implies that they don’t care about impressing others or maintaining good appearances. They’re not going to try to meet society’s expectations of beauty and success.

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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