Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Hair loss and balding are quite a common occurrence amongst men due to the natural aging process. However, losing your hair at a younger age can be quite discomforting to most people. Male pattern baldness is a condition that causes rapid loss and is often accompanied by bald patches on the scalp.

If you want to get the best hair loss treatment for men in Pune, you must know what you’re dealing with. This means understanding the cause of your pattern baldness and at what stage you are at will help to identify the best treatment option for you.

Causes of Pattern Baldness:

  • Genetic male pattern baldness:

Genetic male pattern baldness is a type of male pattern baldness that is related to a genetic family history of balding and hair loss. The symptoms of baldness are often associated with the male sex androgens. When there is a buildup of DHT in the scalp and hair follicles, this substance can shrink the follicle’s growth phase over time.

  • Environmental male pattern baldness: 

Smoking, stress, thyroid problems, and nutritional deficiencies are all factors that lead to men experiencing the stages of male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness can be worsened by iron deficiency. Due to the high levels of adrenaline produced by the body when it is under emotional or physical stress, it sends signals to the hair follicles, which cause them to enter a resting period. 

How severe is my balding?

There are early stages of male pattern baldness, just as there are early stages of any disorder that is progressive in nature. Men’s hairline receding stages can begin as early as puberty. The Norwood Hamilton scale will help you determine the severity of your balding stages. The Norwood scale categorizes hair loss and balding into phases of male pattern baldness. To get effective hair loss treatment for men in Pune, knowing what stage you’re undergoing is vital.

Male Pattern Baldness Stage 1

According to the Norwood Scale, there is no distinguishable change in the hair loss scale or hairline in the early stages of male pattern baldness. This phase of hair fall causes hair to thin around the temples and forehead. This is one of the first symptoms of baldness.

Since stage 1 male pattern baldness is difficult to detect, knowing if balding runs in males in your family may be a good idea. 

Male Pattern Baldness Stage 2:

At a comparatively higher degree of baldness, Stage 2 of male pattern baldness can be defined when hair at the temples and forehead starts to thin more and more. In males, this is also known as front baldness or thinning at the crown. One of the first symptoms of hair loss is when your brow becomes wider, and your temples become more prominent at this stage. Though this stage also almost goes by unnoticed, the loss of hair around the forehead forms an M-shaped hairline.

Male Pattern Baldness Stage 3:

On the Norwood Hamilton Scale, balding becomes more noticeable in stage 3 of male pattern baldness. Your hairline recedes further, and your forehead widens, forming an ‘M,’ ‘U,’ or ‘V’ shape. In this stage, hair loss will advance to the point that it can be classified as baldness.

Stage 3 of male pattern baldness is classified as Stage 3 Vertex. The hair on the top of the head thins out here. This stage of male pattern baldness is characterized by bald spots.

Male Pattern Balding Stage 4:

At this stage, the scale indicates that a person is sure to lose a massive amount of hair rapidly. Bald spots become more and more evident as your crown becomes more visible. Large bald patches are also noticed at the back of the head.

Male Pattern Balding Stage 5:

A classic horseshoe-shaped or U-shaped hairline is present at this point. Your hairline has receded if you’ve reached this point. Hair loss becomes more difficult to manage at this level of male pattern baldness.

Hair loss and balding are so extreme at stage 5 that it’s almost impossible to see immediate, noticeable results even with the best treatment.

Male Pattern Balding Stage 6: 

By this stage, the hair on your head has almost completely fallen off. What remains is thin hair and widened bald patches, making your scalp more visible than ever. Hair loss is also prominent on the side of the head at this stage.

Male Pattern Balding Stage 7:

If you’re at stage 7, you would already have noticed that most of your scalp or almost all of it is now visible and barren. Your hairline would have receded to the crown of your head, and any remaining hair is thin and only observed on the sides.

Knowing what stage of hair loss you are in can help you tremendously with hair loss treatment for men in Pune. Catching hair loss at an earlier stage makes it easier to treat and increases your chances of recovering your hair, so don’t wait too long. Go visit your hair care provider to consult the best treatment plans for you.

By Maria Fernsby

Maria Fernsby is a renowned She has made significant contributions to the fields of technology and innovation and writing . Born and raised in a small town, Maria developed a passion for problem-solving and creative thinking from an early age.

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