Sun. Feb 16th, 2025
7 Activities to Do This Winter7 Activities to Do This Winter

Sometimes, winter can make it hard to come up with fun activities. Add in all the great holiday meals, movies, and indoor get-togethers, and it’s rather easy to get a little lazy. However, hunkering down for the winter can not only make you a bit sluggish, but it can also actually lead to depression.

While you may not be able to hit the neighborhood outdoor gym throughout those months, there are quite a few things that you can do to have fun this winter. We found an array of great ideas out there on the subject, but we wanted to take some of the best ones and share them with you today.

So, take a few minutes to read the rest of this article and get ready to enjoy winter more than you probably have in quite some time.

1. Go Fishing

Make sure you pick out the best women’s winter hats, bundle up, grab a lawn chair, and spend the day relaxing and ice fishing for your dinner. If you’ve never participated in this pastime favorite, there are plenty of instructional videos, but you’ll want to get an ice auger, skimmer, and gaff hook in order to do it right.

2. A Cook-Off

Break out your best recipe and invite a few of your friends and neighbors over for a chili cook-off. Have a couple of them be the judges because,  while it might cause a few digestive problems or gas later in the evening, winter is the perfect time for chili and making it a contest is a great way to have some fun.

3. A Contest You Can Only Have in Winter

Coax your neighbors and friends to get outside and have a snowman building contest. Alternatively, have everyone meet at the top of a neighborhood hill and go sledding to see who can go the furthest. If you’re really adventurous, grab your swimsuit and do the polar bear plunge.

4. Take Up Knitting

While it may not sound all that fun at first glance, learning how to knit is easy and can be very rewarding. With a lot of instructional videos and books available, you can knit women’s hats, scarves, and afghans. With a little practice, you’ll be making great homemade gifts for friends and relatives. 

5. Fun by the Fire

Depending on where you live, get a small fire pit or build a bonfire and invite your friends and family over. You can make it a potluck dinner so everyone eats well. Roast marshmallows, make s’mores, tell ghost stories, and just enjoy each other’s company.

6. Take Up Skating

Sure, there are a lot of ways to exercise without realizing it during both winter and summer, but if you really want to get a workout, get outside for some ice skating. Whether you hit a local pond or a nearby skating rink, it’s an activity that you’re almost guaranteed to enjoy.

7. Something Fun for Everyone

Scoot the coffee table out of the way, clear the living room floor, spread out a blanket, and have an indoor picnic. Do it up right and pack a picnic basket either with a simple sandwich lunch for the family or a bottle of wine and pasta for two. Either way, you don’t have to wait until spring to enjoy a picnic.

There are a lot of activities that you can enjoy in the winter but you should definitely consider some of the tips above, especially if it’s something you’ve never tried before. No matter if you choose the indoor or outdoor options, get away from the electronics for a few hours and have some fun.

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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