Tue. Feb 18th, 2025
Adelaide Electrician’s Tips to Reduce Your Electricity Bill Adelaide Electrician’s Tips to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

How many of you are excited to receive your electricity bill?

Not many people are overjoyed at the prospect of forking out money for electricity each month. As you can attest, it gets expensive quickly.

But what if there were ways to reduce your electricity bill without changing much about your lifestyle? Check out these tips to do just that from a trusted Adelaide electrician.

Light up With LEDs

LED lighting is all the rage with environmentalists for good reason — they use less energy and last longer than regular incandescent or halogen bulbs.

This means that when you switch to LED lighting, you can see significant savings on your energy bills each year. LED light bulbs use an astonishing 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and even produce better light. Replacing just 10 halogen light bulbs with LED bulbs can save about $650 on electricity over 10 years!

Wondering how you can get set up with LED lighting? The friendly folks at Precise Services Adelaide can help you with anything you need!

Close Curtains and Doors

There is no point in heating (or cooling) rooms that you aren’t using. Close off sections of your house that you aren’t using as there is no need to waste energy on those rooms. For example, you only need to heat the guest bedroom when you actually have guests.

You can also use curtains to your advantage. They help provide another layer of insulation in front of your windows. You can use this to block the hot sun and keep your home from heating up in the summer. Conversely, you can close the curtains at night to help keep the heat indoors in the winter.

Use Electricity During Off-Peak Hours

Did you know that the price of electricity changes throughout the day? The tariff is lower during off-peak times of the day. If you have appliances like a hot water tank that runs on electricity, put it on a timer so it only heats water during the off-peak time.

You’ll pay a lower rate and the tank will store hot water for use whenever you need it. Consider adding extra insulation to your hot water to reduce heat loss if you go this route.

If you can swing it, plan to do energy-intensive chores like washing clothes during off-peak times of the day.

Shop Around

In some places in Australia, you have a choice of electricity provider and the rates can vary between companies. Shop around to see what options are available to you and which one makes the most sense for your home?

Yay for Lower Energy Bills!

The great thing about these tips is that not only are you saving money on your electricity bill, but also you’re using less energy overall. You can save money and help save the planet at the same time!

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