Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Covid-19 or coronavirus is the most vulnerable disease of this era on which countries have no control and don’t have a remedy to get rid of this fast-spreading disease. At the beginning visuals of COVID-19 were worse enough to handle, with passing time few things stated to be mandatory and essential. There is a massive demand for the stuff like sanitizers, antibacterial face masks, hand washes etc. which are crucial for prevention from the disease. It raises production for essential item suppliers. Even distance while contacting, proper hygiene etc. are stated to be followed by people in public places. These all are crucial steps which we must follow for preventing yourself not only from this disease but also from others too. Now all of these became necessary and part of the healthy day to day life.

Some critical items in this period are:-

  • Alcohol Sanitizers

Sanitizers are termed as an essential commodity for cleaning and keeping yourself hygienic. It is good to use an alcohol-based sanitizer which contains at least 70% of alcoholic base. It helps clean hands fast and also helps in reducing the chances of bacteria survival on sides. But even localities, public places, buildings, roads, streets etc. are being sanitized by the government as a preventive remedy. Governments are providing sanitizers for free and also at low prices so that people can adequately take care of themselves by using them.

Antibacterial face masks are also another crucial thing used as a preventive measure for this COVID-19. Use of face masks is made compulsory by the government. They help keep ourselves away from bacteria present in the environment. Various kinds of face covers are made available so that there should be no deficiency of covers among the public. N95 masks are said to be the best masks as per clinical perspective, but there is a shortage of availability. So other homemade masks are also considered well to cover nose and mouth if different costumes are not available.

  •  Hand washes

Proper hand washing is also an important step to be followed. Hand washes, soaps are made available to every place. WHO has even released an adequate way of washing hands according to which it is must wash hands for around 20 seconds and in such a manner that you properly clean your hands. Hospitals, public places etc. everywhere hygiene is kept on the top in order to fight with this tough time.

Whatever it takes to save from the pandemic, all the steps should be taken care of with great diligence. Once the situations normalize, everything will be on track. Till then, stay safe, stay home and protect everyone around you!

By Maria Fernsby

Maria Fernsby is a renowned She has made significant contributions to the fields of technology and innovation and writing . Born and raised in a small town, Maria developed a passion for problem-solving and creative thinking from an early age.

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