Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
Diet Tips for Dengue PatientsDiet Tips for Dengue Patients

Dengue fever has affected individuals in different parts of the world and this is why it is crucial to take suitable measures that will help in taking care of the affected individuals. The measures also include affected food habits, which are responsible for minimizing the risk associated with the elevation of the disease. One important risk factor that is associated with Dengue is that it is capable of reducing the level of platelets in the body of patients and this situation can be extremely fatal. Patients who are affected with Dengue require enough minerals, vitamins, as well as protein for the health of the bone marrow.

Given below is a list of the food items that you should consider if you are helping a dengue patient or if you are suffering.


Vegetables that include pumpkin, spinach, paprika, broccoli, carrots, beetroot, and celery, are capable of triggering the levels of platelet and also help in purifying the body of the affected individual. It is suggested that you eat these vegetables raw after you have cleaned them properly. Spinach consists of vitamin K and protein, which helps in effectively increasing the metabolism of the coagulation factors and helps in reducing excessive bleeding. Pumpkin is filled with vitamins and amino acids that help in platelet formation. If you consume pumpkin regularly, it helps in the absorption of vitamin A and protein. Pumpkin also helps in preventing the negative effects of free radicals and toxins. Besides, if you drink the juice of beetroot regularly, the immunity of your body will be increased.


Not only vitamin C but also vitamin K is essential for increasing the count of platelets. Therefore, it is suggested that you not only consume citrus fruits like orange, lemon, tangerines, and kiwi, but you also consider fruits like tomatoes, currants, raspberries, and strawberries. You need to know that citrus fruits have an acidic nature and they are going to be more effective if you consume them in the morning. These fruits have a detoxing effect that is going to leave the body refreshed. Also, your body will be able to absorb the necessary nutrients from fruits in a much better manner.

Papaya leaves

Papaya leaves are considered to be great for dengue patients because they help in increasing the platelet count. Papaya leaves are being used for treating various disorders of platelets. All you have to do is crush a few papaya leaves and squeeze them properly so that you can extract the juice. Also, you have the option of boiling the leaves and then drinking the solution. According to, papaya leaves are considered to be the best remedies for treating dengue fever. You can conduct the tests on your own to understand the improvement that your body has shown. Therefore, it is a great idea to purchase test kits from Mybiosource.

Green coconut water

Green coconut water has the capability of effectively raising the levels of platelets. Coconut water is capable of providing vitamins, minerals, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. It is suggested that you drink coconut water regularly to strengthen your immune system.


Proteins are compulsory to increase the platelet count. Nuts are considered to be excellent sources of protein. You can consume pistachios and peanuts as they are extremely good for health.


Your diet can be responsible for regulating your condition. However, it is always suggested that you consult with your physician before you are consuming anything.

Author Bio:

Anthony Karen is a health expert who has been running many health seminars and public discussions. She also manages her blog and reviews the health-related details provided by authentic sources.

By sambawa

Sarah Williams is a writer and editor. Writing is her Fashion. I have 5+ year writing experience.

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