Tue. Feb 18th, 2025
Why Won’t the Water Drain? 4 Signs of Blocked DrainsWhy Won’t the Water Drain? 4 Signs of Blocked Drains

A blocked drain can be a simple fix. Sometimes all it takes is the business end of a plunger and a few minutes to break up a toilet paper clog. 

Other times, however, the situation can be far worse. For example, if a tree root has grown into a drainpipe, the solution is going to involve professionals, a backhoe, and new piping. 

But before we get ahead of ourselves, how can you tell if you even have a blocked drain? Check out the top 4 signs of a blocked drain here.

1. A Drain That Doesn’t Drain Quickly

When you pull the plug after stopping up the tub or sink, the water should drain away at a steady speed. For sure, the drain should be able to keep up with the water entering from the faucet. If you have to keep turning off the water to wait for the drain, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with a partial blockage. 

Compare the draining speed of the drain you suspect with other drains in your home to get an idea of if it really is going slowly.

2. A Drain That Overflows

Obviously, if the water fills up your basin and overflows, something is quite wrong. Check to make sure you didn’t accidentally plug the drain with the drain plug. If that’s all clear, it’s likely there is a blockage somewhere down in the pipe.

Be careful with overflowing drains, especially in the bathroom. The water might look clear, but can be harbouring potentially dangerous bacteria and pathogens. 

3. An Odd Sound in the Drain

Drains generally shouldn’t make much noise. You might hear a gentle sound of rushing water as the water runs away but that’s about it. 

However, if the drain is partially blocked, some gurgling sounds might come into play. This happens because as the water pools, it traps pockets of air. Those pockets will seek to escape (just like when you blow bubbles underwater in the tub or a swimming pool). 

As the air escapes, it makes gurgling sounds down in the drain. 

4. Stinky Smells

What is that not-so-delightful aroma floating about your house? Does it seem to be coming from one of your drains? 

All sorts of organic matter and other junk can get trapped down in your drains. For example, kitchen drain blockages are often made up of bits of food or grease that have gotten washed down the drain and stuck in the pipe. 

Imagine what that will start to smell like after a few weeks of sitting there? A stinky drain is almost a surefire sign of a blocked drain, even if the other problems haven’t presented themselves yet. 

How To Get Your Drains Clear

Now that you suspect a blockage, what should you do? You can hire a plumber to locate blockages. The benefit of this route is that they have all the tools and equipment necessary to find the blockage, figure out what’s causing it, and determine what method to use to clear it. 

However, sometimes blockages are easy to take care of yourself so you may want to give it a try. It just depends on how adventurous you are or how confident you are in your handyman skills!

By Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a blogger and writer. She has rich experience in content marketing and distribution. Moreover, follow her blog to get the latest updates.

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